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Sixty days on the road.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Standing on the Corner in Winslow Arizona

It seems strange to me that a  song, good as it is, has caused the city of Winslow to build a park in its honor. 

“Take it Easy” by the Eagles in the 1970’s has made this little town a destination.

See the entire song at

Don't let the sound of your own wheels 
drive you crazy 
Lighten up while you still can 
don't even try to understand 
Just find a place to make your stand 
and take it easy     

Well, I'm a standing on a corner 
in Winslow, Arizona 
and such a fine sight to see 
It's a girl, my Lord, in a flatbed 
Ford slowin' down to take a look at me 

So here I am standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona, along with a dozen tourists who find this the hottest spot in town.  

You can click on any picture to make it bigger.  And you can scroll through the pictures by using the arrow keys.  Press Escape to return.

You can see my progress on an interactive map, prepared by Michael Angerman, at:
Zoom and scroll to see where I’ve been.


  1. Lovely to watch you on my monitor from 489 ft. elevation. I can't believe you biked to over 7,200!!! I guess you got legs...

    1. I do got legs, Alex, and they are just about in shape now for climbing up to Santa Fe. At first, they were protesting little soft noodles. Now I feel they are made of steel. We'll see.

  2. Yeah! The legs made of steel serve you well, but I love that smile! What an accomplishment! Great picture. Love seeing how you handle all your gear so compactly with perfect spatial organization, something I wondered about. Virginia, RT, and I were going to call you from breakfast today before Keith's. We are thinking of you and wishing you well.

    1. Thanks Kathy, I could not have answered your call anyway, because there is no cell service once leaving one of these small Arizona desert towns. I am in Holbrook now and only have cell service in one small part of town. The motel has wifi though, so I have that. They still have pay phones about town.

  3. When you get to Gallup, look inside the Train Depot and don't forget to have breakfast at Earl's!

    1. When you get to Gallup, look inside the Train Depot and don't forget to have breakfast at Earl's! And the train depo is less than a mile to the west. I’ll be sure to catch them both. Thanks for the tips.

  4. That 'Standin' on the Corner' photo is great, nice that for all your shots that the red truck stayed stationary for you.

    And, it's always good to see a photo of YOU ... just so we don't start calling you 'Richard'

    1. Funny Junnie, It's hard to get a picture of me out on the open road, but here it was easy.
