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Sixty days on the road.

Thursday, October 12, 2017


A pedestrian crossing a Missouri road as fast as she can, like a cyclist running away from a loose, barking dog. 

Progress is slower in Missouri, lots of hills and few shoulders to ride them on.  

Sometimes the old road is much as it was in the 1930’s.  But then it hummed with traffic and they had to weave pas teach other on a road too narrow to pass without driving on the dirt shoulder.  It seems the same today for me on a bike.  I often have no place to pull off and let them by, so they weave around me, and most of them are safe and polite.. 

Road Angel
in the Missouri Hills
I learned more about heartland people than their politic when my bike broke down.  It required a repair I could not make.  So I put out my thumb, and a woman came by in a little car.  She was going to Springfield where a bike shop is, a distance of 25 miles.  But alas my bike would not fit in her car.  So she flagged down a truck and two good-ol-country-boys just hefted it on, and off we went to the bike shop.  To make a breakdown even better, the bike shop owner lent me a vacant apartment for the night and the woman who first stopped took me to a fine restaurant.  

The hippie flat I had the privilege of sleeping in.  


  1. OMG! People are so nice in the Mid-West. That's why I love it. It sounds like your having a great time. Your Counter Buddy

    1. Good to hear from you, Counter Buddy. People have been great in these green hills.

  2. Finally caught up with your wanderings, but by the time you read this you will have moved on. Always delightful and informative. Be safe, stray clear of glass and nails.

    1. Thanks Dalton, good to hear from you. I'll also try not to run over turtles crossing the road.

    2. Keep on trekking safely. I hope you have a camping stove for turtle soup I mean. As to the hippie pad I hope u made lotsa photos.

    3. No turtle soup in the hippie pad, Alex, just pictures and memories.

  3. A heart warming experience, Sharon. I wonder if it could/ would happen here. Hope your bike is good again. Safe travels!

    1. I doubt if Southern California people are as friendly and helpful as i have found Missouri people to b, Erika. But just to find out, why don't you stand beside the road with a bicycle, hold out your thumb and see what happens.

  4. I loved the story, that turtle, trying to reach the side of the road, the kind and lovely woman who helped you out, and the fun-looking hippie apartment. It's heart warming. I enjoyed reading this post.Oh, one question. Is food different?

    1. Food is about like in Pasadena, Keiko, except that portions are larger and prices lower.

    2. Thank you,Sharon. your new post shows that clearly!
